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Applications and uses for regenerative medicine are rapidly growing and evolving. Strides are made almost daily. RegenVET’s research and development team is continuously testing the newest products and developments in the industry to meet the demands of veterinarians and the needs of their patients.

Our concentration systems offer the best processing techniques and technologies to maximize patient outcomes. All of our systems have been developed to create a highly-concentrated injectate of stem cells, exosomes, platelets, and/or growth factors.

Our processing systems components have been designed to fit together to streamline the workflow and save you and your team valuable time.

  • Acute Injuries

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Pain Conditions

  • Chronic Tendon Problems

  • Damaged Tissue & Joints

  • Post-surgical Pain Control

  • Enhanced Post-surgical Healing


RegenVET values its clients and provides them the training and tools needed for successful practice integration. Our training process includes online training videos and on-site training to improve our clients’ practices and enhance the lives of the patients they treat. We also have tenured veterinarians to answer your clinical questions.

  • Online Training Videos

  • On-site Staff Training

  • Product Processing Guides

  • Expert Veterinary Clinical Support

  • Injection Technique Resources

  • Access to Research Articles & Clinical Studies


RegenVET customers have access to a variety of complimentary digital and print marketing resources to help them educate their customers and build their regenerative medicine practice. Clients of RegenVET benefit from our team of business and marketing experts.

  • Direct Mail Templates

  • Website Copy Examples

  • Personalized Customer Posters

  • Personalized Customer Brochures

  • Customer Facing Digital Resources & Campaigns

  • PRP, Stem Cell, & Protein Concentrate Customer Leaflets


RegenVET has partnered with the training experts of Advanced Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) to provide advanced and introductory courses for orthobiologics and pain management.

ARMI’s instructors include practicing veterinarians who have studied regenerative medicine and are actively engaged in the research of this sub-specialty. These courses use the latest technology and injection techniques to provide participants with the skills needed to successfully perform regenerative therapies.

Veterinarians work side by side, learning the science while participating in hands-on training workshops to enhance medical techniques and skills, enabling participants to leave with the confidence to start implementing these therapies in their practices.

ARMI hosts training courses in various locations around the country with a goal to educate clinicians interested in regenerative medicine techniques as a way of offering better options to their patients. If you are interested in learning more, please visit their website at:



Our revolutionary XCELL PRP kits are precise and easy to use. Using the latest technology, they have been designed to generate a PRP concentration up to 9x baseline and 7.5 billion platelets per 6.5ML dose. Clinics and veterinarians no longer have to choose between price and quality results. Based on independent lab results, XCELL PRP produces higher concentrations than many other popular and costly systems.Our 60ML kits have the flexibility to produce as little as 1ML of extremely concentrated PRP or up to 8ML of a highly-concentrated PRP sample loaded with cytokines, proteins, and growth factors for optimal healing support.This system has a specialized device that helps shorten total processing time and reduces human error in the processing steps to maximize platelet concentration numbers.


Our XCELL Bone Marrow Concentrating (BMC) system is uniquely designed to maximize mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) concentrations and provide a fast and efficient solution to accommodate all treatment applications for autologous stem cells. Prepare a variety of BMC volumes with high concentrations of hematopoietic and MSC with one kit. RegenVET also offers bone marrow aspiration supplies which include: Jamshidi needles, bone marrow filters, and Heparin vials.


RegenVET provides protein concentrating kits that can produce Alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2M). A2M injection therapy uses scientific techniques and natural healing methods to successfully treat osteoarthritis at its source. Our protein concentration kits can produce a highly-concentrated injectate of A2M and also provide a highly-concentrated PRP solution. These are the newest biologic treatments in our regenerative armament for management of arthritic and degenerative conditions.


Our kits use the Eppendorf 5702 centrifuge which has a compact design and allows them to fit on any lab bench or work station. They are very quiet while in operation. The soft brake functionality allows for slow acceleration and braking and the electronic imbalance detection provides maximum safety.

Includes: Scale, (2) Stainless Steel Buckets, Counter Balance

We also recommend using our patented benchtop processing station (BPS). You can easily capture the buffy coat and control the volume and type of PRP solution desired. Unlike other systems out there, XCELL PRP uses a convenient push method to allow for a highly-concentrated PRP solution. This device was designed for busy practices who process PRP regularly to accurately obtain reproducible results consistently.

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